06 September 2005

Annie Lamott's School Lunches

I liked reading this piece, though, it didn't have as many helpful writing tips as the other two. I can see how her method would be really helpful for creative writers. Writing about something completely unrelated to writing can give you a lot of ideas and maybe take you somewhere you didn't think you'd be going. I like how she wrote the whole description and then at the end decided to concentrate on the one part of her initial story that was least favorable, the boy aginst the fence. The School Lunch idea is a good writing tool if you are trying to start a short story or even a book and just don't know where to start.

I'm glad I didn't go to as much of a cut throat elementry school as she did. At my school it was cool to get hot lunch. unless of course you were like me and were just too cool for hot lunches so you brought your lunch from home.

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