29 April 2006


This upcoming week is the last week of school. I don't know about you but I think that is pretty freaky. Hmm. I don't think I have anything particularly interesting to say but I haven't updated for a while and felt I should. I'm pretty excted about my classes next semester. Well mostly just photojournalism. And I'm taking a class called intro to film. Mostly just for fun. I'm starting Arabic classes too. I'm kind of scared about that. I don' think I'm that great at learning languages, or maybe its just Spanish. I'm also taking intro to political economy and east asian civilizations. I know a bunch of people in the east asian class so that will be good I hope. I decided to minor in Women's Studies. I really want to do it but I have to get some stuff figured out with Four Bear. Its dumb.
I went to Rachel's masters thesis reading today. That was cool. The Raven is a nice little Cafe. I was also cool to see all the FIG people. Together again at last. Christine and I decided we should go to Spokane and bother Rachel somtime next year. You should come.
Oooooh man I am excited for Summer. I mean.. I really like my classes right now. Especially Shakespeare. And Current Events is cool. And Women's Studies is great too. But I'll really miss Shakespeare. And Bob. Oh Bob Pack. He's great. I need to take some more classes from him. He shoud just teach a class called Stuff Bob Likes... 101. It will be Shakespeare, Darwin, Freud, Woody Allen, Dinosaurs, and NOTHING. Bob is so sneaky. Our final Shakespeare paper is about Nothing. What a sneaky man. Anyway.. Off of the Bob tangent. I am trying to find a job. I've applied to two places, already got rejected for one. So we'll see. If anyone finds a good, noncrappygiantcorporationjob they should tell me. I am also excited for Sasquatch Festival. That is going to be quite fun. Especally if we have a tent at home. I don't want to sleep in the freakin car.. Yeah. Woo. I want to go to the beach. A lot. A whole lot. Been landlocked too long. No the river doesn't count.
Hmm. What else..well it has been really nice here the past few days. It should stay lovely. And warm. But not unbarably hot. Especially in my room. And no bees. Crap I hate the bees that come in my room. Damn them.
Part of the Shakespeare Shirt.

Another Part of the Shakespeare Shirt.

Bad Picture of Me in the Shakespeare Shirt.

So that's all... Have good days.


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