10 October 2005

Mr. George W. Two-Terms-Mandate Bush

George W. Bush says that he believes that the war in Iraq is just. He says the US is involved there because we had to free the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein. Although it hasn’t been mentioned by anyone in the current administration in quite awhile the original reason for going to Iraq was finding weapons of mass destruction that were destined to be used against us. The President has changed the reasons for going to war in Iraq many times and says that each different reason was there from the start.

Bush believed that there were enough troops involved in the invasion of Iraq to guarantee stability. He doesn’t seem to think that the casualty rates for American soldiers prove otherwise. He also does not believe that the American people should be able to see pictures of the caskets of fallen soldiers once they return to the US. Rather than concentrate on the negative aspects of the war, Bush chooses to focus on the progress made.

President Bush, and others in his administration say that the US will have to stay in Iraq for many years, possibly even decades, to keep the situation there stable. They say we need to prevent the country from falling into civil war.

Many things for President Bush are black and white. Either you’re with him or against him. You support the war, or you hate the troops in the military. You’re with the US or you’re with the terrorists. This way of looking at the world can get things done faster, but it can also hurt the country.

1 comment:

Bridget Farr said...

I can't believe you don't like George Bush; the picture was so flattering. Seriously, the title isn't really relevant. You don't talk at all about President Bush winning two terms or anything about mandates.

For the writing, I would try to orgainze your paragraphs more so it reads less like a list. Decide what your main arguments/points are going to be and then support them with evidence. For example, if you want to talk about how we got into the war, write a good topic sentence and then include all the info about weapons, freedom, etc. Overall, your distate for President Bush isn't evident. (except of course for the title and the picture). Good Job!